How to Write Your Wedding Vows: A Fun Guide To Help You Through It!


Melissa Clark

July 25, 2024

Writing your wedding vows can feel like a big deal, but it’s also one of the most fun and personal parts of your wedding ceremony. It’s a chance to tell your partner how much they mean to you and make some promises for your future together. Let’s dive into how to write wedding vows that are heartfelt, fun, and uniquely you!

1. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Before you start writing, spend some time thinking about your relationship. Here are some questions to get the creative juices flowing:

  • How did you two meet? Was it love at first sight or a slow burn?
  • What’s a funny or memorable moment you’ve shared?
  • How has your partner changed your life for the better?
  • What quirky habits do you love about them?

Jot down your thoughts, and don’t be afraid to get a little nostalgic and silly!

2. Chat About the Vibe

Have a quick chat with your partner about the tone of your vows. Do you want them to be funny, sweet, formal, or casual? Making sure you’re both on the same page will keep things balanced and ensure no one feels like they’re giving a comedy monologue while the other recites Shakespeare.

3. Make Your Promises Personal

Think about the promises that matter most to you. Here are some light-hearted ideas to get you started:

  • “I promise to always let you have the last slice of pizza.”
  • “I vow to support your dreams, even when they involve wild ideas like building a treehouse.”
  • “I promise to laugh at your jokes… even the bad ones.”

The key is to make your promises specific to your relationship. Personal touches make your vows more meaningful and fun.

4. Get Specific and Silly

General statements are great, but specific details can make your vows extra special. Instead of saying, “I promise to love you forever,” try something like, “I promise to love you even when you steal the covers and leave me shivering at 2 a.m.”

5. Draft, Edit, and Polish

Don’t worry about getting it perfect on the first try. Write down everything that comes to mind, then go back and refine your vows. Cut out any fluff and focus on the parts that really matter. Aim for a mix of heartfelt and humorous, and keep it under two minutes.

6. Practice Out Loud

Read your vows out loud a few times to see how they sound. This will help you catch any awkward phrases and ensure your words flow naturally. Plus, it’s a great way to get comfortable with what you’ll be saying on the big day.

7. Keep it a Surprise

While it’s good to discuss the tone and length, keep the actual content of your vows a surprise. This adds an element of excitement and emotion to the ceremony.

8. Write It Down

On the big day, nerves can get the best of anyone. Write your vows down on a nice card or in a vow book so you have them handy. This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything important.

9. Have Fun With It

Remember, your wedding vows are all about celebrating your love and commitment. Have fun with the process and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. Whether you’re cracking jokes or getting a little sappy, what matters most is that your vows reflect your unique relationship.

Example of a Fun and Light-Hearted Wedding Vow

“From the moment we met over that ridiculous argument about pineapple on pizza, I knew you were someone special. Your sense of humor, your kindness, and your ability to always find the best memes have made my life so much brighter. I promise to always be your partner in crime, whether we’re binge-watching our favorite shows or planning our next big adventure. I vow to support your dreams, laugh at your jokes (even the dad ones), and love you more each day. Today, surrounded by our loved ones, I choose you to be my forever Netflix buddy and my best friend. I love you more than words can express, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”

Writing your wedding vows is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on your relationship and share your love in your own words. By keeping things fun and light-hearted, you can create vows that are not only meaningful but also a true reflection of your unique bond. Enjoy the process and cherish the moment when you share your vows on your special day!


Melissa Clark Photography

Just married couple share first kiss


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